Crosslinked Polymer‐Brush Electrolytes: An Approach to Safe All‐Solid‐State Lithium Metal Batteries at Room Temperature

作者:Ji Xiaoyu; Li Shimei; Cao Mengxue; Liang Ruiqi; Xiao LinLin; Yue Kan; Liu Shaohong; Zhou Xingui; Guo ZiHao
来源:Batteries and Supercaps, 2022, 5(2).


Invited for this month's cover picture is the group of Zi‐Hao Guo from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. The cover picture demonstrates a room‐temperature lithium metal battery enabled by all‐solid‐state organic polymer electrolytes with crosslinked short‐brush architecture, and the future world powered by next‐generation high‐energy solid‐state batteries. Read the full text of the Research Article at 10.1002/batt.202100319.(#br)“Advance in electrified transportation, wearable electronics and intelligent robots puts batteries closer to human life, stimulating the need for safe and powerful battery materials that can function at room temperature. The authors here proposed an ultrathin crosslinked polymer‐brush electrolyte that integrate superior ionic conductivity, mechanical strength, and safety in one material, paving an exciting avenue for modern electrical energy storage…” Learn more about the story behind the research featured on the front cover in this issue's Cover Profile. Read the corresponding Research Article on 10.1002/batt.202100319.
