El s赤ndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sue o se caracteriza por un cuadro de somnolencia diurna excesiva, trastornos cognitivos-conductuales, respiratorios, card赤acos, metab車licos o inflamatorios secundarios a episodios repetidos de obstrucci車n de la v赤a a谷rea superior durante el sue o. Numerosos estudios han demostrado que el SAHS se asocia a la presencia de hipertensi車n arterial y al desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Asimismo se acepta un exceso de mortalidad asociado con el SAHS. Como mecanismos mediadores se consideran un aumento de actividad del sistema nervioso simp芍tico, una disfunci車n endotelial, junto con fen車menos de estr谷s oxidativo, agregaci車n plaquetaria y trombosis. Sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome is characterised by daytime sleepiness, cognitive-behavioural, respiratory, cardiac, metabolic or inflammatory disorders, secondary to repeated obstruction of the upper airway during sleep. Numerous studies have shown that SAHS is associated with the presence of arterial hypertension and the development of cardiovascular diseases. Similarly, there is an excess of mortality associated with SAHS. An increase in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and endothelial dysfunction are considered as mediating mechanisms, together with phenomena of oxidative stress, platelet aggregation and thrombosis.