
Forests are the foundation for sustained, healthy and rapid development of the entire national economy. Forest fires have a huge impact on global ecosystems and human society. China is a country with abundant forest species but insufficient per capita possession. The management and prediction of forest fires is an indispensable part of forest protection in China. This paper uses the monthly data of 500 hPa potential height field in NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset I, the forest fire data in China from 2007 to 2017 which provided by the Chinese Academy of Forestry, monthly data of the temperature and precipitation at 512 meteorological observation stations. The aim of the paper is to analyze the impact of the West Pacific subtropical high on forest fires in China. The following conclusions have been drawn:(1)Since 2007, the number of forest fires in the country has shown a downward trend. On average, the number of fires in the year is 940. The higher three years with fire occurrence are 2007, 2008 and 2009, and the lower three years are 2016, 2015 and 2012. The three months in which forest fires occur more frequently are March, February, and April, and the less three months are September, August, and July. (2)China's forest fires are mainly distributed in the Northeastern China, some provinces in East China, Central China, South China, and some provinces in Southwestern China. There were more fires in 2007-2010, and fewer fires occurred in 2011-2016. There were more forest fires in spring and winter, and fewer fires in summer, respectively. (3)The occurrence of forest fires is affected by temperature and precipitation, and has a significant negative correlation with precipitation and a significant positive correlation with temperature. (4)The West Pacific subtropical high has a certain directive effect on forest fires in China. Subtropical high ridge index, subtropical high area index, and subtropical high ridge point all have significant negative correlations with the number of forest fires. With the increase in the intensity of the West Pacific subtropical high, the northward and westward extension of West Pacific subtropical high, the risk of forest fires in southern China is reduced. This study considers the impact of the West Pacific subtropical high on forest fires and has important implications for the control and prediction of forest fires in China, and has a certain directive significance for the usage of the researches on the West Pacific subtropical high.
