
作者:Richard & Esther Provencher; 游余
来源:中学生英语, 2021, (17): 16-21.


<正>The sun was warm on Ryan’ s neck,as he lay1 upon the grass on Grandpa’ s property2.莱恩躺在外公家的草地上,太阳晒得脖子暖暖的。Last week Ryan and Grandpa set off a bottle.On that windy day it was put in a note.上周莱恩和外公扔出了一个瓶子,在那个刮风的日子,它里面装进了一张纸条。Grandpa understood in this village it could be lonely for a little boy.So he had a plan to find a friend for his grandson.外公知道这个村子对于一个小男孩来说可能很孤单。于是他就计划给外孙找个朋友。Ryan had placed a note in the bottle that read——莱恩在瓶子里放了一张纸条,上面写着——"Hi.My name is Ryan Lapointe.I’m 8 years old."你好。我叫莱恩·拉普安特。我8岁了。