
<正>That market was not far from the dangerous road.There were many shops with many goods of all countries.Such a long talk between Bob and the merchant could not but draw attention from the other shop owners1 in the market.In fact, every shop owner in that market was a thief,and the cleverest and best of all was Bob.But the merchant did not kknow it.He just felt a little uneasy2 to give all his jewels to a stranger3.这个集市距离那条危险的路并不是很远,而且有很多卖各国商品的商店。鲍勃和商人这么久的对话不可能不引起这条集市其他店主的注意。实际上这个集市里的每一个店主都是强盗,而其中最聪明、最厉害的那个就是鲍勃。但是商人不知道这些,他只是觉得把所有的珠宝都托付给一个陌生人让他有点不安。