
Se expone el caso de un paciente de 44 a os, sin antecedentes de inter谷s, que present車 una infecci車n sist谷mica por Eikenella corrodens posterior a una extracci車n dentaria en el contexto de una agranulocitosis de origen farmacol車gico por carbimazol. Durante el ingreso fue tratado con antibi車ticos de amplio espectro y G-CSF 5 米g/kg/d赤a con una evoluci車n favorable y alta hospitalaria en el s谷ptimo d赤a. Las infecciones invasivas por Eikenella corrodens, que desarrollan bacteriemia son menos del 20%, generalmente son secundarias a drenaje de abscesos previos y suele aislarse junto a otros microorganismos, siendo excepcional el hallazgo de una bacteriemia primaria monomicrobiana sin la existencia previa de endocarditis. Es el primer caso de infecci車n sist谷mica por esta bacteria secundaria a manipulaci車n dental, en el que fue determinante el estado de inmunosupresi車n transitorio en el que se encontraba el paciente en ese momento para causar la infecci車n diseminada. We present the case of a 44year-old patient, without significant previous medical history, who presented a systemic infection due to Eikenella corrodens following a dental extraction in the context of an agranulocitosis of pharmacological origin due to carbimazole. During admission he was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and G-CSF 5 米g/kg/day, undergoing a favorable evolution and receiving hospital discharge on the seventh day. Invasive infections due to Eikenella corrodens that develop bacteriaemia are less than 20%, and are generally secondary to the drainage of previous abscesses and are usually isolated together with other microorganisms; while finding a monomicrobial primary bacteriaemia without the prior existence of endocarditis is exceptional. This is the first case of systemic infection due to this bacteria secondary to dental manipulation, where the state of transitory immunosuppression in which the patient found himself at that time was determinant in causing the disseminated infection.
