the objective of this research was to develop a diagnostic of the water quality of the parauapebas river (par芍, brazil), in the dry periods of 2004, 2007 and 2009. in 20 sampling sites in parauapebas river, around of the parauapebas city, physical (transparency, water temperature and total solid residues), chemical (dissolved oxygen, ph, turbidity, alkalinity, hardness, acidity, chloride, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, total phosphorus, total iron and total nitrogen), and biological parameters (thermotolerant coliforms) were measured. the results were used for the determination of water quality index (wqi). as support to the interpretation of these parameters, a principal components analysis (pca), multiple regression and linear regression analyses and, a general survey of physical, biotical and social-economic of the region were performed. wqi for the parauapebas river, in the monitored area, was 40.01, which classifies it in the category %26quot;regular%26quot;. the pca and multiple regression analysis identified four parameters that have been employed in the wqi determination and that influenced significantly the variation of the index: dissolved oxygen, bod, total phosphorus and thermotolerant coliforms, which explained 75% of the variation of the results. the results indicate that the urban expansion, in especial in the directions n-nw and s-sw, has reached the areas surrounding the riparian forest, and affected partially the surface water quality of the parauapebas river.