O envelhecimento para militares que serviram no ex谷rcito brasileiro

作者:Sant' Ana Junior; Antonio Lucio; Bretas; Ana Cristina Passarella
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2011.


objective: to know the meaning of the aging process for military personnel who served for 30 years or more in the brazilian army. methods: a qualitative exploratory study. interviews were conducted with 18 soldiers, the youngest was 48 years and the oldest was 72 years of age. the analysis revealed three categories: aging and old age; retirement from the brazilian army; preparing for the retirement. results: the principle results showed that for those in the military the loss of functional capacity, the adaptation to life outside the barracks, and continuous reinvention of living with family members are fundamental questions in the context of transition from active to retired. conclusion: we hope this study will enable the expansion of reflections about aging in the military, to implement actions to prepare for life in retirement - working not only with the military, but also with their families.
