
At the turn of the century, the article analyzes the changes suffered by the conceptual understanding of leisure, whose meaning is nowadays defined as an experience. The writers review the main streams and authors that drove the mentioned evolution and also pay attention to the people that currently experience leisure in this way. After a first chapter committed to literature review, a sample of leisure practitioners devoted to any leisure practice at least during the last three years is studied. The sample is asked about its experiences and perceptions. The article is written within the framework of an emic perspective and the methodology used is based on the grounded theory principles. The article focus its attention into five main characteristics of leisure experience: persona centered, emotion, satisfaction, involvement and procesual nature of leisure experience. The aim of the work is to draw up a general picture about the meaning and practice of the leisure experience in the 21st Century. El art赤culo trata del cambio conceptual desde el que percibimos el ocio en el siglo XXI, el ocio experiencial. Para ello nos acercamos a los autores y corrientes que gestionaron este cambio y tambi谷n a las personas que viven el ocio de ese modo. Tras un primer apartado dedicado a la revisi車n de la literatura sobre la experiencia de ocio, se estudia a un grupo de personas implicadas durante al menos tres a os en alguna pr芍ctica de ocio, a las que se les ha preguntado sobre sus percepciones y experiencias. Se parte de una perspectiva 谷mica, a partir de una metodolog赤a con base en la grounded theory. Este trabajo se limita al an芍lisis de cinco caracter赤sticas b芍sicas de la experiencia de ocio: Persona, emoci車n, satisfacci車n, integraci車n y proceso. El trabajo persigue perfilar un panorama general sobre el significado de la supervivencia de ocio, que dif赤cilmente se explicar赤a sin el ocio experiencial.
