
Genetic variations that occur in humans are usually as a result of a plethora of factors which are of enormous valu谷 from physical anthropological window especially in studying population variation and human diversity. This study was conducted amongst unrelated volunteer students of Delta State University, Nigeria who were all of Urhobo tribe (71 males) and (72) females aged between 18 years and over to determine their ability to roll or fold the tongues. The frequency of folders (120) and rollers (87) were more common than non-folders (23) and non-rollers (56).The incidence of tongue rolling was higher in females than in their male counterparts. These differences did not however show any statistical significance, p %26gt; 0.01. The frequency of R-F was observed to be highest in both males and females (38 and 43) respectively. 22 males and 17 females were observed to be capable of fold but unable to roll their tongue. None rollers and none folders were 9 males and 7 females respectively while rollers and none-folders were the least with frequencies of 2 males and 3 females respectively. Las variaciones gen谷ticas que ocurren en los seres humanos son, por lo general, resultado de una suma de factores de enorme valor en la antropolog赤a f赤sica, sobre todo en el estudio de variaci車n de poblaci車n y diversidad humana. Este estudio se realiz車 en estudiantes voluntarios no vinculados de la Universidad del Estado de Delta, Nigeria. Todos pertenecientes a la tribu Urhobo, 71 varones y 72 mujeres de 18 y m芍s a os de edad. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar su capacidad de plegamiento y enrollamiento lingual. La frecuencia de las lenguas dobladas (120) y enrolladas (87), fue mayor que las no dobladas (23) y no enrolladas (56). La incidencia de la lengua enrollada fue mayor en mujeres. Estas diferencias sin embargo, no fueron estad赤sticamente significantivas, p%26gt; 0,01. La frecuencia de RF se observ車 m芍s alta en hombres y mujeres (38 y 43), respectivamente. 22 hombres y 17 mujeres eran capaces de doblar la lengua pero no de enrollarla. 9 hombres y 7 mujeres no fueron capaces de enrollar la lengua ni de doblarla, mientras que 2 hombres y 3 mujeres fueron capaces de enrollar la lengua pero no de doblarla.
