Potencial fisiol車gico de di芍sporos de Tectona grandis L.f. derrubados pelo vento

作者:Caldeira; Sidney Fernando; Albuquerque; Maria Cristina de Figueiredo e
来源:Acta Amazonica, 2010.


in the seed production areas of tectona grandis in c芍ceres, state of mato grosso, brazil, strong winds cause the precocious fall of fruits. diasporas of three lots of teak, one of then crop after the natural fall, and the others two after the precocious fall were characterized initially by the content of water, thousand diasporas mass, number of diasporas by kilogram, emergency in seedbeds and respective average time. with 200 diasporas divided in four replications and in periods of 50 days until 331 days after crop, the last two variables were determined again. to the diasporas of natural fall, the seedlings emergency and the average time were not different in periods of analyses with a general average of 60.6% and 10.8 days. the diasporas of the precocious crop lots presented respectively the initial emergency of 23.5 and 17.5% and the average time of 19.4 and 22.6 days. until 115 days after crop, the emergency increased (55.5 and 59.5%) and the average time diminished (15.0 and 14.1 days) and on this point the inverse occurred. the diasporas of precocious crop fall by the wind present maturation and the greater physiological potential at 115 days after the crop. in the period at 64 to 269 days after crop, these diasporas reaches the established minimum standard for the teak and at 115 to 165 days is more adjusted period for its use.
