A obesidade m車rbida est芍 relacionada a muitos transtornos psiqui芍tricos e possui como op o terap那utica a cirurgia bari芍trica. Objetivo: caracterizar a preval那ncia de transtornos depressivos e de ansiedade em pacientes submetidos 角 cirurgia bari芍trica no HospitalUniversit芍rio Regional de Maring芍 e do Centro de Cirurgia de Obesidade de Maring芍. M谷todos: o estudo foi realizado com 50 pacientes obesos m車rbidos submetidos 角 Cirurgia Bari芍trica em diferentes per赤odos: pr谷-operat車rio, um m那s de p車s-operat車rio, tr那s meses de p車s-operat車rio e seis meses de p車s-operat車rio. A avalia o do Transtorno Depressivo foi realizada pela aplica o do Invent芍rio de Depress o de Beck, sendo outro instrumento utilizado neste trabalho a Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depress o (HAD). Resultados: a preval那ncia de quadros sugestivos de ansiedade foi: 40% (20 pacientes) no pr谷-operat車rio, 18% no primeiro m那s p車s-operat車rio, 8% no terceiro m那s p車s-operat車rio e 14% no sexto m那s p車s-operat車rio. Quadros sugestivos de depress o foram encontrados em: 26% (13 pacientes) no pr谷-operat車rio, 10% no primeiro m那s p車s-operat車rio e no terceiro m那s p車s-operat車rio e 8% no sexto m那s p車s-operat車rio. Conclus o: Os n赤veis de Ansiedade foram altos no pr谷-operat車rio, diminu赤ram no 1o e 3o m那s p車s-operat車rio e voltaram a subir no sexto m那s, atingindo n赤veis mais altos que no terceiro m那s. Morbid obesity is associated to several psychiatric disorders andbariatric surgery is a therapeutic option. Current research characterizes the prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders in patients who underwent bariatric surgery at the Regional Hospital ofMaring芍 and at the Obesity Surgery Center of Maring芍, Maring芍 PR Brazil. Study was undertaken with 50 morbid obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery and comprised different periods, namely, pre-surgery, one month after surgery, three months after surgery and six months after surgery. Depressive disorder was evaluated by Beck*s Depression Inventory and by the Hospital Scale of Anxiety and Depression (HAD). Results show prevalence of anxiety in 40% (20) of patients during the pre-surgery period; 18% during the 1st post-surgery month; 8% during the 3rd postsurgery month and 14% during the 6th post-surgery month. High rates of depression were found in 26% (13) of patients in the pre-surgery period; 10% in the 1st and 3rd post-surgery month and 8% in the 6th post-surgery month. Levels of anxiety were actually high in the pre-operative period but they decreased in the 1st and 3rd months after surgery. However, a rise during the 6th month was reported which r