the evaluation of the scientific activity is an essential element for all the programs of research, technology and development implemented in a society. scientometrics has contributed to the development of indicators that constitute key tools in the management of scientific and technological policies, and in the processes of strategic decision-making. the current paper is an analysis of the different approaches to the research evaluation from the scientometric perspective. topics related to the determination of the research quality, the qualitative value of citation analysis, the use of scientometrics indicators in evaluative assessments, the collaboration networks as patterns of scientific development, and the domain analysis as theoretical support to scientometric studies for science evaluation are dealt with. in the xxi century, the strategies were directed to the search of alternatives that allowed the perception of the qualitative dimension inherent in science communication processes, through the use of relative indicators and information visualization techniques, and starting from the implicit recognition of the social and economic conditions where the scientific activity was developed. it is necessary the revision of the scientometric indicators used, as well as the creation of strong information systems to register and process the national scientific production, with the aim to develop evaluative tools that accelerate its growth and improve its visibility and position in the context of the world scientific activity.