We studied the effects of a severely hypoproteic diet on the quantitative aspects of the myenteric plexus of the descending colon of young rats. Eighteen rats were divided into two groups, one of them being fed with a chow having 26% protein (control) and the other with a chow having 4% protein, balanced for minerals and vitamins, during 12 weeks. The whole-mounts of the descending colon had their myenteric neurons stained either with Giemsa or NADPH diaphorase. The rats from the experimental group had deficits of body weight (54.23%) and area of the descending colon (48.14%); additionally, we observed that there was no alteration in the total number of neurons of the colon, but a decrease in the number of NADPH-diaphorase positive neurons (37.80%). The implications of these results concerning the priority that some cellular types may have when nutrients are less available are discussed Estudiamos los efectos cr車nicos de una dieta severamente hipoproteica sobre los aspectos cuantitativos del plexo mient谷rico del colon descendente de ratones j車venes. 18 ratones fueron divididos en dos grupos, a uno de estos grupos se le di車 raci車n con contenido proteico del 26% (control) y al otro, raci車n con contenido proteico del 4%. Se mantuvo el balance vitam赤nico y mineral, durante 12 semanas. Elaboramos los preparados de membrana del colon descendente y marcamos las neuronas del plexo mient谷rico con Giemsa y NADPH-diaforasa. Los ratones del grupo experimental presentaron d谷ficit de peso corporal (54,23%) y del 芍rea del colon descendente (48,14%); adem芍s, observamos que no hubo alteraci車n en el n迆mero total de neuronas en todo el colon; sin embargo, hubo una disminuci車n en la marcaci車n de neuronas NADPH-diaforasa positivas (37,80%). Los resultados son discutidos, respecto a la prioridad que ciertos tipos celulares pudiesen tener, con la menor disponibilidad de nutrientes