In 1550, San Francisco de Borja, IV Duke of Gand赤a, renounced all his worldly goods and went off to Rome to join the Company of Jesus. To commemorate the event he established and paid for in Gand赤a, his home town, the annual celebration of a lyrical and liturgical drama in two acts representing the burial (Good Friday) and the Resurrection of Christ (Easter Sunday) thanks to a pre-existing Pontifical privilege. Towards the year 1865, on not being shown the Brief that authorized it, the Archbishop of Valencia suppressed the scenification, and when in 1996 the people from Gand赤a tried to stage it anew, the city had lost all trace of the Good Friday ceremony as well as most of the staging annotations, the text and the music for Resurrection Sunday. So from what could be rescued from those damaged, incomplete and deficient remains I initiated an investigation that, with the discovery of long forgotten documents, has permitted me to wholly and faithfully reconstruct the work. San Francisco de Borja, IV duque de Gand赤a, renunci車 en 1550 a sus bienes terrenales y march車 a Roma entregado a la causa de la Compa 赤a de Jes迆s. Para conmemorar el acontecimiento, dej車 instituida y dotada en Gand赤a, su ciudad natal, la celebraci車n anual de un drama l赤rico-lit迆rgico en dos jornadas que escenifica el entierro (Viernes Santo) y la Resurrecci車n (Domingo de Pascua) de Cristo, con base en un privilegio pontificio preexistente. Hacia 1865 el arzobispo de Valencia suprimi車 la representaci車n al no mostr芍rsele el breve que la autorizaba y cuando en 1996 los gandienses trataron de reponerla, ya era completamente desconocida en la ciudad la funci車n del Viernes Santo, as赤 como gran parte de las acotaciones esc谷nicas, el texto y la m迆sica de la del Domingo de Resurrecci車n. A partir de aquellos pobres, incompletos y defectuosos restos, inici谷 una investigaci車n que, con el hallazgo de olvidados documentos, me ha permitido la reconstrucci車n 赤ntegra y fidedigna de la obra.