枸杞nrDNA ITS测序鉴定的初步研究(英文)

作者:石志刚; 安巍; 樊云芳; 焦恩宁; 赵建华; 王亚军
来源:Agricultural Science & Technology, 2008, (01): 35-38.


[Objective] The study aimed to identify wolfberry(Lycium Linn.)germplasm resources at molecular level by analyzing the nrDNA ITS sequence.[Method] Genomic DNA from wolfberry leaves extracted by modified CTAB method were regarded as templates for PCR amplification by specific primer,clone and sequencing.[Result] The nrDNA ITS sequences were obtained and then differentiated among three tested materials.[Conclusion] PCR amplification and sequencing on nrDNA ITS is a feasible approach to identify different wolfberry germplasm resources.
