Background. Smartphone medical applications have a major role to play in women*s health with their roles being very broad, ranging from improving health behaviours to undertaking personalised tests. Objective(s). Using Medline, Web of Knowledge, and the PRISMA guidelines 15 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were identified, with mobile interventions being tested on 1603 females, in relation to key aspects of health. Using a similar systematic approach an iPhone database search identified 47 applications (apps) developed to improve women*s health. Findings. Ten RCTs used text messaging or app interventions to support weight loss, with significant improvements being observed in eight studies. For other aspects of women*s health RCTs are needed to determine possible health benefits. iPhone store data analysis identified that a substantial number of women*s health apps did not have star ratings or feedback comments (68 and 49 per cent, resp.), raising concerns about their validity. Conclusion. Peer-review systems, supporting statements of evidence, or certification standards would be beneficial in maintaining the quality and credibility of future health-focused apps. Patient groups should also ideally be involved in the development and testing of mobile medical apps. 1. Introduction Women appear to be taking the lead when it comes to smartphone technology (ST) phone use, with 56 percent owning a smartphone compared with 51 percent men. This also translates when it comes to using health applications (apps) with around 9 percent women more likely to use these compared with 4 percent men [1]. One American survey studying over two thousand people ( ) found that women tend to seek technology that keeps up with their busy lifestyles, with 51 percent owning some form of apple device and 93 percent women keeping their smartphone within arms* length [2]. It is also becoming clear that certain phases of the life cycle for, example, pregnancy, may also affect the level of ST phone usage. For example, one survey of 203 pregnant women found that 94 percent reported that ST had changed their life for better, with 65 percent reporting that they had downloaded pregnancy apps, with an average of three being downloaded during the gestation period [3]. In low- and middle-income countries smartphones also provide an excellent platform to support and improve the quality of healthcare systems for women [4]. There is also growing interest in harnessing smartphone apps to promote behaviour change. These provide a unique opportunity to help users stay healthy, while potentially