
English transitional light verb morpheme"-ize"and Chinese"化" have been discussed in English and Chinese languages from different research perspectives.Based on English-Chinese Equivalence Translation,Contrastive Analysis and CodeSwitching in Inter-Cultural Communication,the paper mainly discusses their differences in equivalence translation,word class and pragmatic translation.The nouns,adjectives and verbs investigated respectively are realized by adding morpheme "化",which are equal to English transitional light verb "-ize" and its derivations information.However,from the contrastive analysis expression,there is word class difference between morpheme"-ize"and Chinese"化" in semantic view.In Chinese language,"X+化" is regarded as noun while"X+ize"verb in English.On the top of that,influenced by code-switching strategies,the two morphemes have distinctions in pragmatic translation according to grammatical rules and cultural diversities between Chinese and English.