O papel da amamentaˋˋo ineficaz na g那nese da obesidade infantil: um aspecto para a investigaˋˋo de enfermagem

作者:Araujo; Marcio Flavio Moura de; Beserra; Eveline Pinheiro; Chaves; Emilia Soares
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2006.


objective: to examine whether lack or inadequate breastfeeding is an important contributing factor to child obesity. methods: a convenience sample of 90 children, aged two to five from a day care center in fortaleza, brazil, participated in this study. results: the study%26apos;s finding revealed the following: the majority of the children (57.7%) were well nourished. the remainder of the children were overweight (14.4%), obese (13.3%, underweight (11.1%), and undernourished (3.3%). a further evaluation of the data of overweight and obese children revealed that: 60% had not been breastfed or were breastfed for a period inferior to six months; and, their family had minimum wage income. conclusion: the study suggests that breastfeeding is a very important factor to consider when addressing child obesity preventive interventions.
