
The entrance of women in the narrative, which takes place at the end of the Spanish Civil War, limits itself to the pink subgenus, although very soon the first novels of an increasing number of female writers will appear dealing with other subjects. From the early Fifties onwards they will gradually create a realistic novel that although in a veiled manner, will show the reality of the subdued situation of women in the Spain of General Franco. Carmen Kurtz will start her narrative work in this line and her long career will last until somewhere in the Seventies. Her complaints of the legal, educational, social and economical situation at women, during her public performances as well as through her novels will not pass unaware by censorship; two of her novels were not allowed to be published, many of her paragraphs were to be suppresed and mutilated, and her work was to be very often obstructed. The files of the censorhip of her work that are in the Archivo General de la Administraci車n as well as other related documents show these effects. La incorporaci車n de la mujer a la narrativa, que se produce al t谷rmino de la Guerra Civil, se circunscribe al subg谷nero rosa, aunque pronto aparecer芍n las primeras novelas de un nutrido n迆mero de autoras que plantear芍n otras propuestas. Desde los inicios de la d谷cada de los cincuenta ir芍n paulatinamente creando una novela realista que, aunque de forma encubierta, mostrar芍 la realidad sometida de las mujeres en la Espa a franquista. Carmen Kurtz emprender芍 su labor narrativa en esta l赤nea y su larga carrera se prolongar芍 hasta bien entrada la d谷cada de los setenta. Sus denuncias de la situaci車n legal, educativa, social y econ車mica de las mujeres, tanto en sus manifestaciones p迆blicas como en sus novelas, no pasar芍n desapercibidas al 車rgano censor, que le denegar芍 la publicaci車n de dos de ellas, suprimir芍 y mutilar芍 muchos de sus p芍rrafos y entorpecer芍 su labor en varias ocasiones. Los expedientes de censura de sus obras, que est芍n en el Archivo General de la Administraci車n y otros documentos que junto a ellos se hallan, revelan estos efectos.
