O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os impactos causados pelo fogo sobre o estrato arbustivo-arb車reo de um fragmento de Floresta Atlantica, em Areia, Para赤ba. Foram plotadas 40 parcelas de 100 m2 em dois ambientes: floresta intacta (Ambiente I) e floresta queimada (Ambiente II). O presente levantamento incluiu indiv赤duos com diametro ao n赤vel do solo (DNS) ≡ 3 cm, sendo a estrutura da vegeta o avaliada por parametros convencionais. Calcularam-se, tamb谷m, os 赤ndices de diversidade e de equabilidade, al谷m da similaridade entre os ambientes. Foram amostrados 1.960 indiv赤duos, pertencentes a 22 fam赤lias, 26 g那neros e 35 esp谷cies. No Ambiente I, Protium heptaphyllum foi a esp谷cie mais abundante e importante; noAmbiente II, sobressa赤ram-se os indiv赤duos mortos. O teste Kruskal-Wallis (H) analisou a diferen a no n迆mero de perfilhos dos indiv赤duos entre os Ambientes, apontando diferen a significativa entre estes. O 赤ndice de diversidade e a equabilidade no Ambiente I foram maioresque no atingido pelo inc那ndio; pelo 赤ndice de Jaccard, por谷m, verificou-se que continuam similares. Os resultados demonstraram que o inc那ndio parece n o modificar a composi o espec赤fica da sin迆sia, mas afeta a estrutura da comunidade, al谷m de aumentar significativamente o perfilhamento, indicando a morte da parte a谷rea de muitos indiv赤duos. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of fire on the tree-shrub component in an ombrophilous forest fragment in Areia, state of Para赤ba, Brazil. Forty parcels were plotted in two environments: intact forest (Environment I) and burned forest(Environment II). The vegetation structure was evaluated by conventional parameters, and the difference in the number of shoots of individuals between the environments was evaluated using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Also calculated were the index of diversity, equability and the similarity between the environments. We sampled 1,960 individuals, belonging to 22 families, 26 genera and 35 species. In Environment I, Protium heptaphyllum, Cupania oblongifolia and Brosimum guianense were the most important and abundant species, while the dead individuals were the majority in Environment II. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed there were significant differences between the intact and burned environments. The indices of diversity and the equability of Environment I were greater than those found in Environment II. Nevertheless, the two environments remain similaraccording to the Jaccard index. The results showed that fire does not appear to change the composition of species; however, it affected the st