
Tuberculosis is the most prevalent infectious disease in the world. Granuloma formation and caseous necrosis are hallmarks of M. tuberculosis infection and they represent the protective and inflammatory reactions in the infected tissues. The molecular mechanisms that mediate granuloma necrosis are still not well understood. Objectives: To immunolocalize and correlate the amounts of CD68+ macrophages and CD8+ lymphocytes to caseous necrosis extension in granulomas of tuberculous pleurisy. Methods: The study is a retrospective analysis of 30 pleural biopsies with histopathological diagnosis of chronic granulomatous pleurisy with caseous necrosis. These biopsies were classified according to necrosis intensity as minimal (N1), moderate (N2) and intense (N3). The number of granulomas was also observed and categorized as G1 (1 to 4 granulomas per section), G2 (5 to 8 granulomas per section), and G3 (more than 8 granulomas per section). Results: The means of CD68+ cells counts per mm2 in N1, N2 and N3 categories of necrosis were 1,287 ㊣ 254, 1086 ㊣181 and 930 ㊣ 115 respectively. The means for CD8+ cells were 483.7 ㊣ 396, 366.3 ㊣ 43 and 558 ㊣ 53 cells per mm2 in N1, N2 and N3 respectively. Conclusions: There were no significant statistical correlations between necrosis extension and cell counts. In analyzed biopsies, the number of CD68+ cells was significantly higher than the number of CD8+ cells. La tuberculosis es una de las enfermedades m芍s prevalentes en el mundo. La formaci車n del granuloma junto con la necrosis caseosa son caracter赤sticas propias de la infecci車n por M. tuberculosis y representan reacciones inflamatorias y protectoras en los tejidos infectados. No se conocen bien los mecanismos moleculares que median la necrosis en el granuloma. Los objetivos fueron inmunolocalizar y correlacionar la cantidad de macr車fagos CD68+ y linfocitos CD8+ con la extensi車n de la necrosis caseosa, en los granulomas de tuberculosis pleural. An芍lisis retrospectivo que incluyeron 30 bi車psias con diagn車stico histopatol車gico de tuberculosis pleural granulomatosa cr車nica con necrosis caseosa. Estas bi車psias fueron clasificadas seg迆n la intensidad de necrosis como m赤nima (N1), moderada (N2) e intensa (N3). Tambi谷n se determin車 el n迆mero de granulomas, que fueron clasificados como G1 (1 a4 granulomas por secci車n), G2 (5 a 8 granulomas por secci車n), y G3 (m芍s de 8 granulomas por secci車n). La cuantificaci車n de c谷lulas CD68+ por mm2 en las categor赤as N1, N2 y N3 de necrosis fue de 1,287 ㊣ 254; 1086 ㊣181 y 930 ㊣ 115, respectivamente. La cuantificaci車n de las c谷lulas CD68+ fue de
