
This paper describes the digestive system of Caiman crocodilus, Melanosuchus niger and Paleosuchus palpebrosus based on anatomical and topographical inferences. The study involves two digestive systems of C. crocodilus, one of M. niger and one of P. palpebrosus, already fixed in 10% formaldehyde, belonging to the collection of the Wild Animal Research Laboratory (LAPAS) of the Federal University of Uberlandia. The work begins with a description of the digestive system of the aforementioned crocodilians, followed by topographical associations, aided by photographs taken with a SONY DSC-H20 camera, X-rays of the gastrointestinal tract and a photograph of the digestive system of C. crocodilus prior to formaldehyding, which also belong to the LAPAS collection. The results indicate that the digestive system of crocodilians consists of a wide mouth, short pharynx, long straight esophagus, dilated stomach in relation to the rest of the tract, pancreas lodged between the first two ventral duodenal loops, coiled small intestine, large intestine with diameter larger than the preceding segments, and cloaca as the terminal portion of the digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. The anatomical and topographical description of the digestive system of C. crocodilus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Crocodylia: Alligatoridae), M. niger (Spix, 1825) (Crocodylia: Alligatoridae) and P. palpebrosus (Cuvier, 1807) (Crocodylia: Alligatoridae) can be extended to the other crocodilians due to interspecies and intraspecific behavioral similarities. Mediante comparaciones anat車micas y topogr芍ficas describimos el sistema digestivo de C. crocodillus, M. nigeri y P. palpebrosus. Se utilizaron dos sistemas digestivos de C. crocodillus, uno de M. nigeri y uno de P. palpebrosus, fijados en formalina al 10% y pertenecientes al laboratorio de ense anza e investigaci車n de fauna silvestre (LAPAS) de la Universidade Federal de Uberlandia. En primera instancia se realiz車 la descripci車n del sistema digestivo de las mencionadas especies, seguido de comparaciones topogr芍ficas. Luego, fueron tomados registros fotogr芍ficos con c芍mara DSC H20 SONY. Adicional a esto, nos apoyamos con radiograf赤as del tracto gastrointestinal y fotograf赤as del sistema digestivo de C. crocodillus antes de ser fijados en formalina. Los resultados demuestraron que el sistema digestivo de estas tres especies de caimanes est芍 constituido por una boca grande, faringe corta, es車fago alargado y rectil赤neo, est車mago dilatado con relaci車n a las otras partes del tracto digestivo, p芍ncreas alojado entre las dos primeras curvaturas duodena
