The detent force of a permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM) is analyzed and the corresponding optimization methods are presented to reduce it.The detent force, which is divided into two components, i.e.resulting from the end effect and resulting from the slotting effect, can be analyzed respectively by the finite element method(FEM).To reduce the detent force arising from the end effect, several optimal design techniques are utilized, namely, adopting the suitable length and end shape of the primary armature.The detent force resulting from the slotting effect is reduced by means of skewing and adjusting the width of the magnets mounted on the secondary armature, and adopting the fractional slots of the primary armature.The validity of the analytical detent force predictions and the effectiveness of the detent force reduction techniques are verified by the experimental measurements.
单位华中科技大学; 数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室