
O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a produ o e as caracter赤sticas morfol車gicas dos cap赤tulos florais da camomila &Mandirituba* em fun o do uso de doses de nitrog那nio (3, 18, 30, 42 e 57 kg ha-1), na forma de sulfato de am nio, e de cama-de-frango semidecomposta (1.000, 6.000, 10.000, 14.000 e 19.000 kg ha-1). Os tratamentos foramdeterminados utilizando-se a matriz experimental Plan Puebla III, resultando nas combina es de N e de cama-de-frango, respectivamente: 18/6.000, 42/6.000, 18/14.000, 42/14.000, 30/10.000, 3/6.000, 57/14.000, 18/1.000 e 42/19.000 kg ha-1. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, com nove tratamentos e quatro repeti es. Avaliou-se a altura de plantas e, nos cap赤tulos florais, foram avaliados n迆mero, massa seca total, altura, diametro e massa seca unit芍ria. As maiores alturas de plantas foram observadasnos tratamentos 57/14.000 kg ha-1 (37 cm) e 42/19.000 kg ha-1 (38 cm), aos 85 dias ap車s o transplante. As maiores produ es de massa seca dos cap赤tulos florais foram obtidas da combina o das maiores doses de cama-de-frango com o nitrog那nio. O diametro (varia ode 1,87 a 2,01 cm), a altura (varia o de 0,65 a 0,79 cm) e a massa unit芍ria dos cap赤tulos (varia o de 0,10 a 0,15 g) n o foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. This work aimed to evaluate yield and morphological characteristics of &Mandirituba* chamomile capitula as functions of the use of nitrogen (3, 18, 30, 42 and 57 kg ha-1), in ammonia sulfate form, and semi-decomposed chicken liter (1,000; 6,000; 10,000; 14,000and 19,000 kg ha-1) doses. The treatments were determined using Plan Plueba III experimental matrix, which resulted in the N and chicken litter combinations, respectively: 18/6,000; 18/14,000; 42/14,000; 30/10,000; 3/6,000; 57/14,000, 18/1,000 and 42/19,000 kg ha-1. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with nine treatments and four replications. Plant height, total fresh and dry mass, number and height, diameter and single dry mass of capitula were evaluated. The greatest plant heights were observed in thetreatments 57/14,000 kg ha-1 (37 cm) and 42/19,000 kg ha-1 (38 cm) of nitrogen and chicken litter, respectively, 85 days after transplant. The highest yield of fresh and dry mass of capitula were obtained from combinations of the greatest doses of chicken litter withnitrogen. Diameters (variation between 1.87 and 2.01 cm), heights (variation between 0.65 and 0.79 cm) and single dry mass (variation between 0.10 and 0.15 g) of capitula were not influenced by treatments.
