
the pragmatic approaches have underlined a prolonged crisis of the informational disciplines that has impeded to meet the demands of the information society. in fact, these disciplines have gone a long way trying to sustain different theoretical foundations, but they have been seduced by a variety of preestablished philosophies instead of building an own philosophical field. the research conducted starting from the information philosophy, with contributions from prominent authors as floridi, provides innovative methodologies to treat traditional problems from new perspectives. it is proposed to consider how, according to the philosophy of the information, a fundamental philosophy of information analysis and design, the construction of an appropriate intellectual environment can be explained and directed, offering a systematic treatment to the conceptual foundations of the contemporary society. therefore, the archival science, as well as the rest of the informational disciplines should consider the place and function of the carriers and identifiers of semantic information in order to attain a more effective cognitive organization of the intellectual patrimony. the construction of informational ontologies is an example of it.
