Pythium insidiosum: relato do primeiro caso de infecˋˋo humana no Brasil

作者:Marques; Silvio Alencar; Bagagli; Eduardo; Bosco; Sandra M G; Camargo; Rosangela M P; Marques; Mariangela E A
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2006.


pythiosis is caused by an aquatic fungus-like organism, pythium insidiosum, pathogenic to men and animals. a patient with a phagedenic ulcer on the leg is reported. histopathological examination was suggestive of zygomycosis, response to antifungal drugs was poor and cure was obtained by means of wide surgical excision. etiologic diagnosis was confirmed by molecular amplification and dna sequencing of colonies isolated in sabouraud agar. after blast analysis, the sequence showed 100% identity with those of p. insidiosum deposited on the genbank.
