Reproductive Decision‐Making in MMR Mutation Carriers After Results Disclosure: Impact of Psychological Status in Childbearing Options

作者:Jacqueline Duffour; Audrey Combes; Evelyne Crapez; Florence Boissière‐Michot; Frédéric Bibeau; Pierre Senesse; Marc Ychou; Julie Courraud; Hélène Forges; Lise Roca
来源:Journal of Genetic Counseling, 2016, 25(3): 432-442.


Abstract(#br)Reproductive techniques such as prenatal diagnosis (PND) or preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), although debated, are legally forbidden in France in case of Lynch syndrome. The preference of mutation carriers about their reproductive options is not systematically considered in Fran...
