Chiral organic-inorganic metal halide semiconductors(OIMHSs) have recently attracted numerous interests due to their unique chirality, structural tunability, and extensive physical properties. However,most reported chiral OIMHSs contain toxic lead, which will be a potential obstacle to their further applications. Herein, we successfully synthesized a novel chiral lead-free tin(IV)-based OIMHS [(R)-3-hydroxyquinuclidinium]2SnCl6([R-HQ]2SnCl6). It exhibits a wide band gap(Eg) of about 4.11 e V. Moreover,[R-HQ]2SnCl6undergoes a phase transition around 330 K(Tc) and shows distinct dielectric switching characteristics with good repeatability. This work enriches the chiral lead-free OIMHS family and stimulates further exploration of chiral lead-free OIMHS switching materials