Avaliaˋˋo progn車stica precoce da asma aguda na sala de emerg那ncia

作者:Piovesan; Deise Marcela; Menegotto; Diego Milan; Kang; Suzie; Franciscatto; Eduardo; Millan; Thais; Hoffmann; Cristine; Pasin; Lilian Rech; Fischer; Josiane; Barreto; Sergio Saldanha Menna; Dalcin; Paulo de Tarso Roth
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2006.


objective: to evaluate clinical and pulmonary function measurements taken in the first fifteen minutes of the assessment of acute asthma in the emergency room and used for prognostic purposes. methods: a prospective cohort study involving consecutive patients with acute asthma. only patients who were between the ages of 12 and 55 and presented peak expiratory flow rates or = 50% of predicted after 4 hours of treatment, and unfavorable outcomes were defined as peak expiratory flow or = 40% after 15 minutes of treatment showed significant power in predicting a favorable outcome (sensitivity = 0.74, specificity = 1.00, and positive predictive value = 1.00). a peak expiratory flow %26lt; 30% after 15 minutes of treatment was predictive of a poor outcome (sensitivity = 0.54, specificity = 0.93, and positive predictive value = 0.87). conclusion: our results suggest that measuring peak expiratory flow after 15 minutes of management in the emergency room is a useful tool for predicting outcomes in cases of acute asthma.
