?ngulo de B?hler: compara??o entre o pré e pós‐operatório nas fraturas intra‐articulares desviadas do calcanhar

作者:Pedro José Labronici; Guilherme Guerra Pinheiro de Faria; Bruno Miranda Pedro; Marcos Donato de Araújo Serra; Robinson Esteves Santos Pires; Jorge Luiz Tamontini
来源:Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia, 2017, 54(02): 156-164.


Abstract(#br)Objective(#br)To compere the variation of the results in the radiographic measures of the B?hler's angle, in the pre‐ and postoperative, in fractures with two types of deviations: severe and moderate.(#br)Methods(#br)The B?hler's angle of 31 radiographs were analyzed retrospectively, pr...
