This study was undertaken to investigate the comparison of the ability of a cytoprotective synthetic PGF2汐 and acetaminophen, to protect rat gastric mucosa against indomethacin and absolute alcohol. Fasted male rats received intragastric pretreatment of acetaminophen or either orally or IP PGF2汐 30 min prior to either indomethacin (20 mg kg-1, oral suspension) or 1 mL of orally administered absolute alcohol. In another series of experiments rats were given acetaminophen concurrently with oral suspension of indomethacin or absolute alcohol. The animals were scarified 1 or 5 h after absolute alcohol or indomethacin administration respectively and the gastric mucosa was assessed for gross necrosis and for histologic changes. The results of this study showed that pretreatment with acetaminophen or PGF2汐 significantly reduced gross histologic changes and deep histologic necrosis versus control group. Co-administration of acetaminophen produced reduction in gastric lesions significantly, but this effect was less than when administered 30 min prior to indomethacin or absolute alcohol. The data obtained indicated effective protection of the gastric mucosa against ethanol and indomethacin injury can be achieved by oral administration of acetaminophen, probably through stimulation of gastric prostaglandins secretion.