Piodermatite-pioestomatite vegetante: relato de caso e revisˋo de literatura

作者:Matias; Fernanda de Abreu Toledo; Rosa; Dario Junior de Freitas; Carvalho; Maria Teresa Feital de; Castaon; Maria Christina M Nogueira
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2011.


pyodermatitis-pyostomatitis vegetans is a rare inflammatory dermatosis of unknown etiology, with a typical mucocutaneous involvement. we report the case of a woman with pustular and vesicular lesions in the axillae, evolving with vegetating plaques and pustules with annular grouping. the disease progressed with vulvar and inguinal involvement as well as involvement of the oral, nasal and ocular mucous membranes. she started the treatment with prednisone (40 mg/day), with remission of the lesions after one month of use of such medication. association with inflammatory bowel disease occurs in 70% of the cases. immunofluorescence, which is typically negative, helps to characterize the disease. a rapid response to systemic steroids is expected
