
In order to study the morphological changes that occur in cells of the testes of isogenic black mouse C57BL/6/Uni into three periods during spermatogenetic used 15 mice divided into 3 groups of 5 animals with 40, 50 and 60 days of age. The mice were sacrificed and weighed. Then weighed and measured the testicles, to be processed finalmete histologically and stained with HE, PAS and Masson Massom-H and evaluated under light microscopy. Was observed in group I with 40 days of age in the seminiferous tubules had a lumen with sparse small amount of interstitial tubular cells. In the seminiferous epithelium were identified type A spermatogonia, intermediate and B, which occupied the compartment adbasal and intermingled with these cells was observed in spermatocytes I in Pachytene and leptotene, whereas in the adluminal compartment Golgi phase spermatids observed in the presence of acrosomal granule. In group II, the cells of the seminiferous epithelium were developed and it was observed in round spermatids cephalic hood phase plus many elongated spermatids in acrosome phase and Sertoli cells. In Group III, 60 days old, it was found that the seminiferous epithelium which was of the tubules had elongated spermatids in acrosome phase and maturation, with elongated nuclei and acrosomal system typical of spermiation in the presence of sperm and residual bodies near the tubular lumen. So you can check the morphological evolution of germ cell testicular spermatids and recognize its four phases: Golgi, cap, acrosome and maturation over the age of the animal. Con el fin de estudiar los cambios morfol車gicos que ocurren en las c谷lulas del test赤culo del rat車n negro isog谷nico C57BL/6/Uni en tres per赤odos diferentes del proceso espermatogen谷tico; fueron utilizados 15 ratones divididos en 3 grupos (n=5) con 40, 50 y 60 d赤as de edad respectivamente. Todos los animales fueron sacrificados y pesados. Posteriormente sus test赤culos se pesaron, midieron y procesaron histol車gicamente para HE, PAS y tricr車mico Massom-H. Las muestras obtenidas fueron evaluados con microscop赤a de luz. En el grupo I con 40 d赤as se observaron t迆bulos semin赤feros con un l迆men peque o y escaza cantidad de c谷lulas intersticiales. En el epitelio semin赤fero se identificaron espermatogonias tipo A, intermedio y B, quienes ocuparon el compartimiento basal entremezcl芍ndose con espermatocitos I en paquiteno y leptoteno. En el compartimiento adluminal se observaron espermatidas de fase Golgi y presencia de gr芍nulos acrosomales. En el grupo II de 50 d赤as, se observaron c谷lulas del epitelio semin赤fero desarrollad
