
The aim of this study was identification of fungi in indoor and outdoor of asthmatic patients∩ home environment. Opened plates (containing of Malt extract agar media) were used for isolation of fungi in the air of indoor (n=360) and outdoor (n=180) of 90 asthmatic patients home living in the city of Sari at the level of breathing height. Plates were incubated in room temperature for 7-14 days. Then grown fungi were identified by standard mycological techniques. A total of 1876 colonies with 31 and 1692 colonies with 27 genera of fungi were identified from indoor and outdoor of asthmatic patients* home respectively. The most common fungi isolated were Cladosporium, Aspergillus and Penicillium. Stachibotyris, Oedocephalum, and Stemphillium showed the least frequencies among the isolated fungi. Cladosporium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Alternaria as the most common allergenic moulds had the most frequencies in indoor air of the houses of asthmatic patients.
