
We present a single synchrophasor estimation (SE) algorithm that is simultaneously compliant with both P and M phasor measurement unit (PMU) performance classes. The method, called iterative-interpolated discrete Fourier transform (i-IpDFT), iteratively estimates and compensates the effects of the spectral interference produced by both a generic interfering tone, harmonic or interharmonic, and the negative image of the fundamental tone. We define the three-point i-IpDFT technique for cosine and Hanning window functions and we propose a procedure to select the i-IpDFT parameters. We assess the performance of the i-IpDFT with respect to all the operating conditions defined in the IEEE Std. C37.118 for P-and M-class PMUs. We demonstrate that the proposed SE method is simultaneously compliant with all the accuracy requirements of both PMU performance classes.