
作者:赵辰辰; 马琪芮; 郑祺; 辛善超; 王迪
来源:城市环境设计, 2022, (01): 122-131.


<正>本提案将“教育产业”作为乡村振兴的切入点,旨在以“自然教育”作为乡村的第四产业,将教育植入乡村,在自然环境中建立新型乡村课堂,使学校的功能散布于大地各处,来自城市和乡村的人群相互学习。教育产业同时为村民带来收入,激活乡村,传承文化,保护自然。This proposal takes"education industry"as the point of penetration for rural revitalization,aims to take"natural education"as the rural fourth industry,implant education into the countryside,and establish a new rural classroom in the natural environment,so that the functions of schools are scattered all over the earth,and people from cities and villages learn from each other.At the same time,the education industry brings income to the villagers,activates the countryside,inherits culture and protects nature.