Tromboflebitis supurada laterocervical tras cateterizaci車n venosa central

作者:Ramos Martinez; A; Sanchez Romero; I; Saura Lorente; P A; Parajon Diaz; A
来源:Anales de Medicina Interna, 2008.


suppurative thrombophlebitisis a very infrequent complication of the central venous catheterization. the majority of the cases are produced by species of staphylococci. a 22-year-old colombian-woman, student, without toxic habits was admitted because of temporary left astrocytoma (grade ii). nine days after implementing a catheter in the right subclavian vein she presented high fever (39.5~ c), shivers, progressive right side neck swelling and odinofagia. she had leukocytosis (26,300 cells/米l) and normal cerebrospinal fluid. after withdrawing the catheter, staphylococcus aureus was isolated in the tip of the catheter and in four bottles of blood cultures. a neck ct demonstrated expansion and absence of contrast in the right internal jugular vein. the patient evolved satisfactorily with cloxacillin, gentamycin and low molecular weight heparin.
