In commercial aquaculture, the phenomena of diet conversion and water temperature fluctuation commonly occur in abalone farming. The meat quality of abalone is affected by diet and temperature, and this in turn directly influences consumer acceptance of abalone products and financial returns to producers. The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of diet (Gracilaria lemaneiformis vs artificial feed) and water temperature (low, 19 degrees C and high, 27 degrees C) on growth performance, nutritional value, flavor, and sensory quality of abalone. The results showed that artificial feed led to increases in growth, content of body protein, total free amino acids (TAA), delicious amino acids (DAA), volatile compounds (alcohols, acids, aromatic compounds, and esters), and sensory quality (hardness) of abalone meat. High temperature significantly decreased the growth, body moisture, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and hardness but increased the contents of DAA, TAA, alcohols, acids, and ar-omatic compounds in abalone meat. Our study suggests that high temperature significantly decreases the growth and nutritional value of abalone muscle but does provide a different mouthfeel and flavor for consumers, and nutrition-balanced artificial feed as the diet at a low water temperature maximizes the growth of abalone without sacrificing meat quality. The results may help to formulate an optimal feed strategy for farming industries throughout the abalone culture period, thereby allowing farmers to harvest premium quality abalone and elevate the market value of abalone products.
单位近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室; 厦门大学