Particle identification using artificial neural networks at BESⅢ

作者:秦纲; 吕军光; 何康林; 边渐鸣; 曹国富; 邓子艳; 何苗; 黄彬; 季晓斌; 李刚; 李海波; 李卫东; 刘春秀; 刘怀民; 马秋梅; 马想; 冒亚军; 毛泽普; 莫晓虎; 邱进发; 孙胜森; 孙永昭; 王纪科; 王亮亮; 文硕频; 伍灵慧; 谢宇广; 尤郑昀; 杨明; 俞国威; 苑长征; 袁野; 臧石磊; 张长春; 张建勇; 张令; 张学尧; 张瑶; 朱永生; 邹佳恒
来源:Chinese Physics C, 2008, (01): 1-8.


<正>A multilayered perceptrons' neural network technique has been applied in the particle identification at BESIII.The networks are trained in each sub-detector level.The NN output of sub-detectors can be sent to a sequential network or be constructed as PDFs for a likelihood.Good muon-ID,electron-ID and hadron-ID are obtained from the networks by using the simulated Monte Carlo samples.