
O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, por meio da t谷cnica do Grupo Focal, o entendimento de adolescentes em rela o 角 sa迆de bucal. A pesquisa foi realizada em tr那s escolas p迆blicas da cidade de Ara atuba, Estado de S o Paulo, com dez alunos em cada uma delas. Para a realiza o dos grupos focais foram abordadas as seguintes palavras, presentes em perguntas de question芍rios sobre sa迆de bucal, as quais apresentaram altos 赤ndices de erros: sa迆de bucal; placa bacteriana; dente permanente; fl迆or; gengiva sangra?; fio dental; transmiss o da c芍rie. Durante as discuss es dos grupos focais, observou-se que muitos adolescentes ficavam surpresos com a situa o a qual foram submetidos e com o tema que estavam discutindo. A palavra &sa迆de bucal* foi associada 角 condi o de limpeza dacavidade bucal, n o identificando a sa迆de bucal como parte da sa迆de geral. O termo &transmiss o da c芍rie* n o teve um entendimento suficiente. A express o &dente permanente* foi bem compreendida, sendo associada a um tipo de dente que n o seria mais substitu赤do.A palavra &fl迆or* teve maior associa o 角 fun o de limpeza do que 角 prote o dos dentes. Conclui-se que a utiliza o da t谷cnica do Grupo Focal 谷 de grande importancia na interpreta o do conhecimento dos adolescentes sobre sa迆de bucal e na adequa o da terminologia de question芍rios sobre o mesmo tema. This study aims to the understanding of adolescents regarding oral health, using the Focus Group technique. The study was conducted at three public schools in the city of Ara atuba, S o Paulo State, Brazil, with ten students in each. In order to conduct the focus groups, the following words, which featured high error levels, wereaddressed in survey questions on oral health: oral health; plaque, permanent teeth; fluoride; gum bleeds?; dental floss; transmission of cavities. During the discussions in the focus groups, it was observed that many teenagers were surprised at the situation to which theywere submitted and at the topic they were discussing. The word &oral health* was associated with the condition of cleanliness of the oral cavity, not identifying oral health as part of general health. The term &transmission of cavities* did not have a sufficient understanding. The term &permanent tooth* was well understood and was associated with a type of tooth that would not be replaced. The word &fluoride* had more association with the task of cleaning than protection of the teeth. It is concluded that the use of the focus group technique is of great importance in the interpretation of the knowledge of adolescents on oral health an
