Doenˋas dermatol車gicas de notificaˋˋo compuls車ria no Brasil

作者:Penna; Gerson Oliveira; Domingues; Carla M A S; Siqueira Jr; Joo Bosco; Elkhoury; Ana Nilce S M; Cechinel; Michella P; Grossi; Maria Aparecida de Faria; Gomes; Marcia de Leite S; Sena; Joana M; Pereira; Gerson Fernando Mendes; Lima Junior; Francisco Edilson F; Segatto; Teresa Cristina Vieira; Melo; Flavia Cardoso de; Rosa; Fabiano Marques; Silva; Marcia Mesquita; Nicolau; Renata Amadei
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2011.


the development of a brazilian national surveillance system in 1975 led to a compulsory reporting of selected infectious diseases aiming to reduce the burden of these events in the country. however, shifts in the epidemiology of these diseases associated with modern life style, demand constant revision of surveillance activities. in this manuscript we present the epidemiology, trends and differential diagnosis of the following compulsory notifiable diseases in brazil: aids, dengue fever, hanseniasis, american tegumentary leishmaniasis, measles, rubella and congenital rubella syndrome and syphilis. additionally, the current challenges for control and prevention of each disease are presented
