objective: to investigate body image perceptions among students of nutrition in the city of rio de janeiro. methods: sectional study among female nutrition students. the prevalence of distortion in body image perception was assessed by using the body shape questionnaire (bsq), portuguese version, adopting the confidence interval of 95%. to study the associations, the chi-square test was used. results: the sample consisted of 193 students; average age 20.9 years (㊣ 2). the median score of the bsq was of 81.2 points (㊣ 33.6), corresponding to the light concern with the corporal self-image. among these students the prevalence of serious distortion of body image was 6.2% (ic 95%; 3.2%-10.6%). a significant statistical association (p %26lt; 0,026) between bsq and the categorized body mass index (bmi) was observed. also the association between moderate or serious bsq and body weight dissatisfaction was significant (p %26lt; 0,001). conclusion: the results evidence that the ideal body image prevalent in our society influenced the practices of this group; therefore women with adequate weight presented dissatisfaction with their body image, desiring to modify it in order to adjust to social standards. since this study deals with future nutritionists, the impact of this finding is still more relevant.