in this article, the science is pondered from the dialectical materialistic perspective and it is relieved its direct relationship with the evolution of the human species through the time. the antecedents of the cuban scientific movement are enunciated and the circumstances that propitiated the take off of the genuinely cuban science, pointing out several of their maximum exponents in the context of the bibliography produced by them. it is stood out the significance of the papel peri車dico de la habana in havana city as a supporting condition, where were been registered the first news and articles of scientist character taken place for cuban scientists, among them 1594 works have more than enough medical aspects, from their appearance in 1790 up to 1840, year of the first journal scientific-doctor published in the country arose. the significance of the year 1797 is underlined, particularly as historical moment that marked the beginning of the scientific modern bibliography in the national territory, in the medical science, where were left to glitter new conceptions that constituted the concrete of a scientific independent expression and own approach that contributed from a substantial way to the progress of the cuban nation, like evident foundation of a precise stage of its historical evolution with the appearance of a social new formation.