The ductility/toughness of the high strength materials is usually inadequate, while high strength metals and alloys with good ductility/toughness can be obtained by designing the heterogeneous structures. Thus, the quasi-static and dynamic behaviors of the metals and alloys with heterogeneous structures have attracted extensive research interests in the areas of mechanics of materials and impact dynamics. The present paper reviewed the progress in the aspect of the dynamic properties and the corresponding microstructural mechanisms of several heterogeneous structures, such as gradient structures, dual-phase structures, multi-modal grain structures. For example, the metals with heterogeneous structures show better dynamic shear toughness and impact toughness than those with homogeneous structures. The initiation and propagation of adiabatic shear bands in the heterogeneous structures are totally different from those in homogeneous structures, due to the inhomogeneous microstructures. The interfaces and the soft domains in the heterogeneous structures can suppress the initiation and propagation of adiabatic shear bands, delaying the failure of materials. The superior dynamic properties can be achieved in the heterogeneous structures due to the extra strain hardening induced by the inhomogeneous deformation.
单位中国科学院大学; 非线性力学国家重点实验室