Uzawa algorithm to solve elastic and elastic-plastic fretting wear problems within the bipotential framework

作者:Ning, Po; Feng, Zhi-Qiang*; Rojas Quintero, Juan Antonio; Zhou, Yang-Jing; Peng, Lei
来源:Computational Mechanics, 2018, 62(6): 1327-1341.


This paper deals with elastic and elastic-plastic fretting problems. The wear gap is taken into account along with the initial contact distance to obtain the Signorini conditions. Both the Signorini conditions and the Coulomb friction laws are written in a compact form. Within the bipotential framework, an augmented Lagrangian method is applied to calculate the contact forces. The Archard wear law is then used to calculate the wear gap at the contact surface. The local fretting problems are solved via the Uzawa algorithm. Numerical examples are performed to show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach. The influence of plasticity has been discussed.