Ensino de teorias de enfermagem em Cursos de Graduaˋˋo em Enfermagem do Estado do Paran芍 - Brasil

作者:Matos; Jessica Carvalho de; Luz; Geisa dos Santos; Marcolino; Janaina de Souza; Carvalho; Maria Dalva de Barros; Pelloso; Sandra Marisa
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2011.


objectives: to identify how education on nursing theory is addressed in undergraduate nursing courses in schools of higher education in the state of parana. methods: a survey was conducted using a sample of the 35 coordinators of the nursing course of higher education institutions of the state of parana, brazil. results: 35 courses were identified that focused on nursing theory. the students are introduced to nursing theory early in the curriculum, usually at the beginning of the nursing program. wanda horta%26apos;s theory was mentioned as the theory on which many courses were based (60%). conclusion: the teaching of nursing theory is conducted in a fragmented manner, which may contribute to nurses%26apos; experience of low autonomy, and a lack of clear understanding regarding all of the areas of concern that the profession encompasses.
