
This paper uses ERA-Interim's geopotential height field, temperature field and wind field reanalysis data to calculate the Dynamic Plateau Monsoon Index (DPMI) from 1988 to 2017, and analyzed the spatial dis-tribution of the plateau monsoon. The relationship between characteristics and time evolution, combined with the East Asian Summer Monsoon Index (EASMI), explores the relationship between the plateau monsoon and the East Asian monsoon. The results show that: (1) The plateau summer monsoon began to form in April, and the warm low value system was formed on the plateau. In June, the warm low-pressure system center formed and reached the strongest. At this time, the plateau summer wind intensity also reached the maximum; the warm closed low pressure in October The system moves to the northeast and the intensity decreases and exits. The plat-eau summer monsoon ends. (2) DPMI and EASMI have obvious interannual variation characteristics, and the in-tensity of the plateau summer monsoon and the East Asian summer monsoon is consistent in the key years. (3) The geopotential height field of the mid-latitude area affected by the East Asian monsoon and the geopotential height field of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are in the same positive correlation area, and the correlation coefficient between DPMI and EASMI in the first two months is the largest, indicating that the plateau summer monsoon pair The East Asian summer monsoon has certain indications. (4) The East Asian summer monsoon circulation is affected by the change of the plateau temperature field. The low-pressure system of the plateau summer monsoon is closely related to the plateau temperature field.