During routine dissection, an unusual formation of median nerve was detected in the right upper limb of a 55 year old male cadaver. The median nerve had an additional contribution from lateral cord. The two branches of the lateral cord designated as upper and the lower branches were observed at different levels. The upper branch was in close contact with the third part of the axillary artery and it crossed the vessel anteriorly to unite with a branch of the medial cord to form the median nerve. The median nerve thus formed was related medially to the axillary artery (instead of the normal position of being anterolateral). The median nerve descended below and was joined by an additional lower branch from the lateral cord. Interestingly, the ulnar nerve which arose from the medial cord, descended below and was joined within its fascial sheath by the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm The presence of such an additional branch from the lateral cord contributing to the formation of median nerve and its unusual relation of being medial to the axillary artery may be of immense clinical interest to neurologists diagnosing nerve lesions and surgeons who are exposed to the topographical anatomy of the neural structures during radical neck dissection. The additional branch of the lateral cord may compress upon the axillary artery to cause vascular insufficiency Durante una disecci車n de rutina fue encontrada una formaci車n inusual del nervio mediano en el miembro superior derecho, de un inividuo de sexo masculino, de 55 a os de edad. El nervio mediano ten赤a una contribuci車n adicional del fac赤culo lateral. Los dos ramos del fasc赤culo lateral, designados como ramos superior e inferior, fueron observados a diferentes niveles. El ramo superior tuvo un estrecho contacto con la tercera parte de la arteria axilar y cruzaba la vena axilar anteriormente para unirse con un ramo del fasc赤culo medial y formar el nervio mediano. El nervio mediano as赤 formado estaba relacionado medialmente con la arteria axilar (en vez de su posici車n normal de situaci車n anterolateral). El nervio mediano se dirig赤a hacia bajo y se un赤a con un ramo inferior adicional del fasc赤culo lateral. El nervio ulnar, que se originaba del fasc赤culo medial, descend赤a posterior y se un赤a en la vaina fascial con el nervio cut芍neo medial del antebrazo. La presencia de un ramo adicional del fasc赤culo lateral contribuyendo a la formaci車n del nervio mediano y su inusual relaci車n con la arteria axilar, tiene un inter谷s cl赤nico para los neur車logos, quienes diagnostican lesiones nerviosas, y cirujanos que est芍n expue