Smoked chevon sausage was prepared using four-year-old Barbari bucks to study their shelf-life under refrigeration. Smoked sausages were packed in HDPE bags under vacuum (VP) and aerobically (AP). Packed sausages were evaluated for proximate, physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory changes on day 0, 7, 14 and 21 due to storage. The cooking yield (%) and cholesterol (mg per 100 g of sausages) content of fresh smoked chevon sausages were 73.50 and 98.74. Overall mean moisture, fat, protein and ash contents were 55.48, 17.05, 18.36 and 3.00 percent, respectively. Overall mean water activity (aw), pH and W-B shear force values (kg/5 cm length sausages) were 0.972, 6.41 and 3.20, respectively. In microbial analysis overall SPC, PBC and LAB were log 5.86, 5.00 and 4.24 CFU g-1 respectively. Coliform, yeast and mould were also detected. To identify day of spoilage SPC values were plotted in graph. Over all spoilage based on storage period mean was day 12 but yeast and mold growth was visible on the surface of sausage on day 14. Smoking and vacuum packaging of spent goat chevon sausages has some beneficial effect on pH, protein, SPC and sensory scores but did not extend the shelf -life. In light of the observations, it can be concluded that vacuum packaging has no definite advantage in preserving quality and sensory attributes. Product can be stored under refrigeration up to seven days irrespective of packaging condition.